Thursday, August 02, 2007

starving jesus film series = complete

After nearly a year, the Starving Jesus film series is complete! Four films in all. It has been an incredible journey and one that I could not have imagined I would find myself on a couple of years ago.

This project would not have been possible if not for the countless people who gave their time, money, prayers, and support. A project like this...where your name ends up on the cover can be misleading because it implies that that person acted as a one-man show. However, there is simply no way I could have created these films alone. Most especially, I could not have produced this without the help of my girl Margaret. As an editor, writer, producer, actor, and co-director, the thing should probably have her name on it as her fingerprints are everywhere. All this to say thank you to all of you who gave to this project!

Many of you know that I have been raising support this past year - for seminary and so that I might continue to have the freedom to create projects like this. This project has been an integral part of my income during this past year, mostl
y through online sales at places like Worship House Media and Sermonspice. In addition to selling them individually online, we have just released the entire four film series onto DVD which is now available for sale for $19.95 on

Have a look at the trailer below and then head over to the Difted store to pick one up.

Starving Jesus Teaser from blainehogan and Vimeo.